Modern VIrtual Learning

Sea Monster Cove
High School

Superintendents, Principals, Teachers, & Librarians…


Welcome to Sea Monster Cove High School:

My name is Steve Alten and I am the NY Times best-selling author of eighteen page-turning thrillers, including the MEG series, about carcharodon Megalodon, the 70-foot-long, 50-ton prehistoric shark that wants to eat Jason Statham. It was 25 years ago that I found myself saddled with the daily chore of answering hundreds of email from high school students who were all delivering the same basic message, that they “HATED reading but LOVED reading (my first novel) MEG.” I was flattered, but my target audience was adults. Then high school teachers began informing me that my novel was especially popular among their most reluctant readers and “are there any curriculum materials that go with the book?” Parents wrote, expressing their gratitude for writing a book that “saved their son’s life.” When the Young Adult Library Services Association named MEG a Top Selection for teens, I realized something important was happening – and I needed to be a part of it. In 1999, volunteers and I launched the nonprofit teen reading program, Adopt-An-Author which provides free curriculum to registered teachers, posters, and direct contact between students and author via e-mail, in-class Q & A’s over speaker phone, and personal visits. The program is free, paid for by myself and a sponsor.  (see Testimonials).

Reading is the keystone of a solid education, and yet getting teenagers to read a book is like herding squirrels — it can’t be done and it will drive you nuts.”

 — A former high school principal.

My Marine Science II students have finished reading MEG and TRENCH respectively. The demand for the books was so great that I had to order extra copies. I’ve had several of my students blast thru all three books in less than a week, and beg my copy of the LOCH from my desk. My copy of DOMAIN is also loaned out as well, and the other teachers are catching the “Steve Alten fever!” I have literally made our school reading coach, Denise Smith, cry when I told her that I had kids who had never read a book read MEG, TRENCH and MEG: PRIMAL WATERS. She is touched beyond belief! During the school day we have a twenty-minute reading period. Imagine looking in on a room and seeing an entire class, including the instructor happily devouring MEG. I’ll keep you posted on our MEGMANIA here at Orange Park High. I can’t wait for the fourth book to come out, and neither can the students.

–Vicky Loehr OPHS Marine Science Instructor.

Introducing Sea Monster Cove High School


One website = Three miracles.

MIRACLE 1: No more non-readers.

Students who HATE READING are only “required” to read three short chapters of MEG VEST, located in the library. By the end of chapter three they may still hate reading, but they LOVE READING MEG. Before they know it they’ll have finished the entire book on their own – a FIRST for many of these new “pleasure readers” who (bet the farm) will go back to the library for the five sequels. We call this “flipping-the-switch.” Why does it work? Because 5 years ago we discovered non-readers tend to be VISUAL THINKERS and these novels are all written very visually, enabling the non-reader to SEE the action in their head. Our Visually-Enhanced novels are also loaded with dozens of color images, maps, and photos… and non-readers use them to read ahead of the rest of the class! This is a common response to having been referred to as “remedial” and “reluctant” their entire academic lives… now they know they are just as good if not better than students in English I. We call those smiles, Pride.

MIRACLE 2: No more long hours of short-term memorizing.

In every chapter there are vocabulary words highlighted in the passage, along with a WRITTEN and VISUAL definition. Students are instructed to:

say WORD

say DEFINITION 1 & look at DEFINITION 2 image

and continue reading. What just happened? If properly done, an ASSOCIATION was created between the word and definitions and stored in the student’s Long-Term-Memory. How long will it stay there? Years… even decades (seriously)! Students should expect to expand their own PVL (Personal Vocabulary List) approximately a hundred words per novel. The same methodology can be applied to ASSOCIATING data in science, math, history, and other subjects. THIS IS THE FUTURE OF LEARNING…no more short-term data dumps. Long-Term Memory Storage is completed in a fraction of the time thanks to our new learning tool.

MIRACLE 3: Creative Learning Experience: Seeding the future.

Welcome to Sea Monster Cove – an entire virtual world originally created for an episodic TV series called, Where Sea Monsters Roam. Features motion picture-worthy special effects and 3D structures that dazzle. These include two futuristic aquariums holding some of the most terrifying prehistoric sea creatures in our planet’s history. But don’t just watch them – grab an air hose and we’ll lower you into their habitat in a cage – all part of our Creative Learning Experience series designed to expose students to new ideas, life forms, technologies, and so much more.


Annual membership for the entire student body, teachers and administrators is only $1,999.00 for the year.


If a quarter century of working with teachers in the Adopt-an-Author program taught me anything it is that the greatest success occurs when the entire school is involved in the LAUNCH. From there YES – teachers can use it as a reading tool, just as new readers will read ahead of the class on their own. What is again important is for every student to have their own membership so pleasure reading is available to them 24/7.


Step 1: Register your school (below}.

Step 2: Assign a faculty member as a liaison that we can follow-up with so that maximum results are achieved.

Step 3: Set specific grade level goals you want to achieve; have students do the same. Share with our representative and we’ll suggest an action plan.

Step 4: Help us help you by sending us feedback.

Step 5: Spread the word so other schools can prosper as well. A rising tide raises ALL BOATS.

For more information call: 561-284-6833

  • Twenty-four/seven access to our Private Library – the only place in the world that features Visually-Enhanced novels specifically designed for reluctant readers and students suffering from dyslexia. Read one novel and you’re cured (but go ahead and read them all!)
  • Access to our futuristic Sea Aquarium habitats where we keep the prehistoric sea monsters trapped and captured by our teams tracking the beasts in the 380 million-year-old Devonian Aquifer. Watch from a safe vantage or go for a quick cage dive (in day or night). A dozen experiences to choose from.
  • Hotels – two unique Virtual Hotels to choose from. The Permian Princess has rooms located both above and below the water line. The Black Demon Inn is located in the O’Quarium, home to our star attraction – Snowflake, our 50-foot, twenty-ton prehistoric albino Mako shark. Snowflake’s massive O-tank was created using aerogel – a man-made plastic that is lightweight but incredibly dense. Every suite at the Black Demon Inn backs up to Snowflake’s O-ring where she sleeps.
  • The six giant circular habitats that surround the massive dome in the middle are all composed of solar panels, with backup power coming from wave units located along the Southgate.
  • Access to half-a-dozen of Steve Alten’s six original screenplays, three of which have been optioned as major motion pictures.
  • Writing Tips for new authors. Presented by best-selling authors Steve Alten, James Rollins, Brad Meltzer, and more.
  • How to store vocabulary words and other information directly into your Long-Term Memory.
  • Two original Video Games. Compete for prizes.
  • Using Association to engage Long Term Memory.
  • Educational Content – our museum curator has prepared some excellent information in regards to the species found in the Devonian Aquifer.
  • Monthly ZOOM calls with Steve Alten. Sea Monster Cove merchandise, sold only to members.
Students Common Area
High School Tunnel with Students
SMC HS Cafeteria
O-Quarium Facility

What you see is only the beginning…

I am a HS reading teacher. I purchased seven copies of Meg and gave them out to various students. I want to tell you about two of them in particular. The first one is a junior. After reading all of your books he has decided to pursue Marine Biology in college. The second student is a freshman and has read all of your books that I could find. He began the year reading on a 6th grade reading level and now after post testing, his scores went up to 11.6 – that is amazing! So thanks for your support for our kids who have a difficult time reading. You really make a difference. 

–Sue Backus, Literacy Specialist – Arlington HS.


Sign-up NOW and use the program for 90 days to see if it works for you. If you are not completely satisfied cancel with NO CHARGE.

Sign Up Your School!


Sign up your high school using the form below.

We will invoice you for the membership and send your login details and instructions to share with your students and teachers.

Sign Up or  Request more Information

Welcome to
Sea Monster Cove High School!

Entire School – contact us for a quote.

Teachers, librarians and Administrators are included with school membership at NO COST